chicory :: helps in letting go

chicory :: helps in letting go

hornbeam :: for a shift in energy levels

hornbeam :: for a shift in energy levels

chestnut Bud :: to learn new ways

chestnut Bud :: to learn new ways

aspen :: shifts fear to confidence

aspen :: shifts fear to confidence


After a telepathy session, I will let you know if there is an issue that could be addressed with flower essences. Root issues of behavior or emotion can become apparent in a communication.

For example, if an animal is new to a household and there is fear of the unfamiliar then Aspen will help. If there a need for cooperation, then Quaking Grass is an appropriate choice and could be added to the remedy. Combining flower essences that address an issue makes a custom remedy.

Often it is recommended that people take a remedy at the same time as their animals. There is usually a correlation since our attitudes and feelings impact our animals.

A stand-alone consult can be also booked for customizing a flower essence remedy. A bottle can be made using a combination of essences once the appropriate flower essences are discovered. This becomes a dosage bottle of Flower Essence Remedy.

Please work with your veterinarian for any health concern. Any guidance or recommendations provided are not to replace proper medical care for your animals.


The Flower Essence Remedy is a liquid in a glass bottle made from the extract of healing flowers. Flower Essences are vibrational in nature, rather than interacting physically and changing the body’s chemistry. They work by resonance and the effects can be seen in mental, emotional and behavioral shifts. This can therefore sometimes lead to physical changes as well. Each flower essence holds the unique energetic signature of the flower from which it is made.

Flower Essences are extracted from fresh flowers or buds through infusion. The sun method is when flower heads are floated in a bowl of water in direct sunlight for a few hours. Some English Essences are made by the boiling method, when the flower parts are put in heated spring water for thirty minutes. Either way, the flower’s vibrational pattern is infused in the water through the applied heat. This mother essence is then diluted into a stock essence and often preserved with brandy. Then a further dilution becomes a dosage bottle and can be preserved with organic vegetable glycerin, derived from coconut and has a sweet taste that animals prefer.

The essences derive their healing potency from the life forces within them, conveying a distinct energetic pattern of the specific flower. They evoke the freedom to make changes from within. These life forces resonate with, and awaken, specific qualities when administered to people or animals. They do not have any aroma like essential oils that work their magic on the physical body. Also, they are different from other herbal remedies in that they contain no biological matter from plants.

In 1930s, the English physician Dr Edward Bach discovered the power of some plants and flowers to restore balance and he called it Flower Therapy. Dr Bach wanted natural treatments that were available to all. His Bach Flowers include 38 remedies. The powerful and well-known Rescue Remedy is one of them. Dr Bach explained that they work by “flooding our bodies with the beautiful vibrations of our Higher Nature…”

Since then, many other Flower Essence Remedies have been discovered and they address virtually every energetic and behavioral issue. The research is on-going in understanding and documenting the ways that flower essences can bring healing affects. The highest quality lines of Flower Essences are made in biodynamic gardens or from wild flowers, by-hand, by people with reverence.

Flower Essences are soul remedies and are highly beneficial in balancing the energetic body. Each flower works on particular issues of imbalance and combining them can enhance their effect. Flower Essences stimulate and encourage change. They have a gentle and gradual effect on what is excessive or low in the energetic fields of the recipient. For example, Larch balances self-confidence. So if an animal is overly confident then the remedy brings them into balance to a normal level of confidence. And if an animal is low in confidence, then the flower essence of Larch encourages the building of confidence.

Flower Essence Therapy is simple, easy to administer, natural and safe with no side effects, and also compliments other therapies. Flower Essences can be taken for a short period of time in emergencies or for acute situations but they are ideal for gradual shifts over time, such as over one month. Flower Essence Remedies are effective for both people and animals. You don’t need to understand the magic of how it works but it’s good to administer them with the intention in mind.


  • Tap the bottle on the heel of your hand at least 10 times to awaken the energy.

  • Flower essences are taken frequently and consistently each day of the treatment. It is the frequency rather than quantity that brings the shift. There are many creative ways to take flower essences. Find the way, or multiple ways, that work best so that your animal can receive the drops often.

  • Give 4 drops at least 4 times per day - first thing in the morning and last thing at night (when the body is in a transition state) and at least two more times throughout the day (around lunch and dinner perhaps). To intensify their effect and create rapid change, give them often, even 10-12 times per day.

  • For acute or emergency situations, give once an hour or more often. These frequent doses are for temporary use.

  • It is thought best to take flower essences away from a meal (maybe 15 minutes either side).

  • Put the drops directly onto the tongue, if your animal will allow. Or you can see if they will lick up the drops from a saucer. You can rub the drops into their gums with your fingertip.

  • Drops can also be put on any skin areas where the essences will be absorbed easily or licked - such as pads of feet, behind the ears, and the belly. Or the drops can be placed on your hand and then spread onto your animal’s fur, as they will likely lick them off.

  • For animals that drink from a water bowl, you can add 4 drops and stir clockwise and anticlockwise to energize the water. Add the drops whenever you refill or change the water. This method allows the drops to be taken easily and often.

  • Keep using the remedy even after change is noticed, as this anchors the energies and habits firmly. Use the drops until the bottle is finished, generally about 4 weeks.

  • For continued changes, a series of monthly treatments may be considered.


  • Stand the bottle up to avoid the plastic top to touching the essences.

  • Make sure not to touch the glass dropper with anything to avoid contamination.

  • Store flower essences away from sunlight.

  • Avoid any extreme cold or heat.

  • Do not expose them to x-rays or microwaves.

  • Keep flower essences at least 4ft away from any electrical devices.


  • If you’ve had a recent animal telepathy session with me: Order a remedy and just book a short consult (up to half hour) to talk over the issues that came up and discuss the appropriate combination of flower essences.

  • For new clients: Book a consult (up to one hour) and order a remedy. Then I’ll contact you to set up a time to talk. I’ll ask questions to get to the root of what’s going on and to discern what can be balanced by flower essences.

  • After the consult: I’ll send a list of the combination of flower essences for your approval. Then I’ll make your custom remedy and ship it to the address you indicate during check-out. Instructions will be included for the care of the remedy and ways to administer it.



A Flower Essence Remedy for your animal in a 1oz (30ml) glass dropper bottle containing a dosage level of customized flower essences that are biodynamic, organic or wildcrafted. It is preserved in organic vegetable glycerin that is appealing to animals.



A consult (up to one hour) for new clients to discover the appropriate Flower Essences for you or your animal.


A consult (up to half an hour) to discover the appropriate Flower Essences for you or your animal. This shorter session is usually for clients who have had a animal telepathy session with me or to assess a follow-up remedy.